Silicomp R�seaux et Quadritek ont sign� un accord de distribution pour la diffusion et l'int�gration de la famille des produits de Management des Sites IP : QIP. L'utilisation massive du protocole IP dans les r�seaux d'entreprise rend tr�s complexe la t�che d'administration et d'affectation des adresses IP. Les organismes d'attribution de domaines IP, demandent d�sormais aux candidats � la 'Classe B' de prouver que leur domaine actuel est bien g�r�. QIP permet notamment de g�rer finement l'affectation d'adresses IP aux utilisateurs de grandes soci�t�s � travers leurs LANs et WANs. A titre d'exemple, le transporteur Express UPS, g�re 750 000 adresses IP depuis une base de donn�es de QIP. Nous vous invitons � visiter ces pages Web pour d�couvrir les possibilit�s de QIP. Profitez du salon ATM'97 pour venir d�couvrir le produit QIP. We
are proud to announce that Quadritek IP Management
Software Press Release About QuadritekQuadritek Systems, Inc. provides highly flexible products that deliver centralized control for all network devices in the entire Intranet, rather than limiting control to the local environments of single servers. Quadritek solutions simplify integration with other industry standard network management tools. They are scalable for even the largest, most complex global Intranets, and are designed to lower costs while improving productivity. Quadritek Systems, Inc. provides: "QIP allows network administrators to completely manage an organization's entire IP environment. QIP is the smart glue that ties together the whole network administration function, while automating the complete network services function (DNS, Bootp, DHCP)", states Arun Kapur, Quadritek Chairman. Our CustomersSince its founding in 1993, Quadritek has built a blue-chip customer base worldwide. The company delivers highly-responsive, personalized customer service to organizations such as Phillips Electronics, Bristol Myers Squibb, Corning Incorporated, Georgia Pacific, AT&T, Bell South, MCI, NYNEX, Dow Jones Telerate, Eli Lilly and Company, Rohm and Haas, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Dow Chemical, 3Com Corporation, Yale University, Boeing (Houston Space Center), HUD, Florida Power and Light, Mack Trucks, Inc., and UPS. Refer to our customers' testimonials. Our ProductsQuadritek Systems, Inc., is becoming the industry leader in software products for automated IP Management. Quadritek differentiates itself from other IP management and client/server application suppliers through highly flexible products that deliver centralized control of all network devices in the entire Intranet, rather than limiting control to the local environments of single servers. Quadritek solutions simplify integration with other industry standard network management tools. They are scaleable for even the largest, most complex global Intranets, and are designed to lower costs while improving productivity. Quadritek IP Management SystemQIP's main highlights:
QIP's main features
Click on Quadritek IP Management System for more details Click here for QIP NT Software Evaluation Form Quadritek Name SystemQNS's main highlights:
QNS's main features include:
Quadritek Subnet CalculatorThe Quadritek Subnet Calculator's main features
Please contact us for any further information, regarding our Quadritek IP Management System, Quadritek Name System, or Quadritek's Subnet Calculator. Click here to contact us through Telephone, Fax, e-mail. Copyright � 1997 Quadritek Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. |