Twin color screens display 2 pages side by side
500,000 pages (1000 books on each removable PCMCIA card
Multiple Windows environments - uses PDF
The cover story of the summer 1997 issue of AMD Advances about Everybook indicated it would be available at the end of 1997: �Now in beta testing, the Everybook Dedicated Reader is slated for introduction in the fourth quarter of 1997, initially targeted to doctors, druggists, lawyers and engineers, who need frequent, speedy updates of their professional literature. � Obtained from http://www.amd.com/advances/columns_features/issue27/everybook_ft
From http://www.amd.com/advances/columns_features/issue27/bookisabook_sb:
The �AMD �lanSC400 microcontroller... helps maintain a book-like format.�
Image: http://www.everybk.com/