PPT Slide
Obtained from http://www.nytimes.com/library/arts/040898book on June 3, 1998.
The 4/8/98 NY Times article �Creating 'the Last Book' to Hold All the Others� by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt describes the MIT e-book prototype and uses an IBM diagram to show how it would work.
��e-ink consists of microscopic sphere, each about�half the thickness of a piece of paper. Each sphere is half black and half white. These spheres can be applied by the millions to paper and then flipped over electronically to either their black sides or their white sides to produce what looks like a traditional printed page�.[T]he book pages will each have fine wires carrying electricity to flip the dots in the direction of a computer concealed on the book�s spine. If the user selects �Ulysses,� the computer will make the text appear on the book�s pages by flipping the appropriate spheres to their black or white sides.�
Illustration: Archie Tse, The New York Times