Quadritek Systems, Inc. was incorporated in 1993 to build network-based software products for the rapidly expanding Internet Protocol marketplace. The company is headquartered in Malvern, PA. Quadritek's mission is to bring integrated network services to every desktop by offering a range of quality products and technical/consulting services that allows clients to take full advantage of system functionality within the networking environment. Quadritek develops markets and supports highly adaptable client/server application software for proactive control of Internet Protocol network processes. Quadritek provides turnkey solutions based on open systems architectures, to organizations that implement enterprise-wide networks. Quadritek believes that the ability to effectively manage LANS/WANS is the key to corporate growth in the 21st century. In response, Quadritek has developed cutting edge products that assist network administrators in preparing for the increased Internetworking demands on the in the 21st century. Quadritek offers a range of quality products & believes in differentiating itself from other IP Management application suppliers through product adaptability, popular platform availability, scalability, cost effectiveness, product integration & customer service. Quadritek's products are available on popular client/server platforms such as Windows 3.1, 95, NT, VT 100, Motif, UNIX servers for Sun Microsystems, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and database servers from Sybase and Oracle. (Planned release in the third quarter, 1996). Quadritek products and services have been designed to be evaluation ready, customer installable and supportable from remote locations. Quadritek Products: Quadritek's customers range in size from small organizations to the largest companies among the Fortune 500. Our large operating base of successful installations in dozens of organizations spans all industry classifications and includes AT&T, MCI, Boeing, UPS, 3 Com, Dow Chemicals and Yale University. Quadritek Systems has chosen Silicomp Réseaux as a valuable new partner. Silicomp Réseaux is now responsible for the distribution of its products in France, Switzerland and Singapore Return to Home Page |