Established on three continents (Europe, Asia, North America), Groupe Silicomp is in a position to manage large-scale projects with major global manufacturers. This presence enables the Group to establish and maintain industrial and commercial relationships with the largest prime contractors and operators in the world and provide our customers with responsive and proximity services. Our strategy is based on engaging our expertise and on an international exchange network between various Group entities: exchange of basic ideas, expertise and technologies, exchange of experience for enhanced team performance facing challenges on an ever more global level.
Groupe Silicomp has developed a number of production centres (France, Singapore, Canada, India), providing technological specialities and cost optimisation. The Group "opti-localises" production based on its customers' needs.
Monitoring/control of motorway tunnel video-surveillance on the ATM network
Assistance to an engineering department relating to the implementation of an IAM project (Identity and Access Management): SSO Web, identity management...
Assisting manufacturing with achieving ISO 9001 certification for their production or selling site
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