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As announced at San Jose during the CAMUS meeting, in Germany, and at "Solutions GPAO" in PARIS, Computer Associates and Silicomp Ing�nierie are combining and reinforcing their marketing and sales efforts to deploy APPLI-BUS, which is to become one of Computer Associates top ranking products.

As of today, effective collaborative software integration has been successfully accomplished and demonstrated with CA-Unicenter TNG and CA-MK Enterprise from the MK Group, an independent business unit of Computer Associates.

This is just the beginning... of the whole story.

  • APPLI-BUS is building and opening up new roads of applications, in all shapes and sizes, wherever heterogeneous environments are used by existing customers. APPLI-BUS' integration will boost actual configurations and initiate new revenues by solving customers ever-changing needs 'in the nick of time'. APPLI-BUS is much more than an enabling technology, it is a valuable tool which creates new and exciting business opportunities.
  • You may have questions concerning the inner workings of APPLI-BUS. Here are some questions and answers which should help you better understand APPLI-BUS and how you'll become successful with it, alongside with CA products.

APPLI-BUS : "Bridging The Communication Gap"

1. What is APPLI-BUS ?

APPLI-BUS is a middleware dedicated to solving the many inefficiencies of heterogeneous situations: "The Communication Gap".

Today's customers' sites use different applications often from many different vendors. Most of them do not communicate with other as they are dedicated to very specific areas of specialization. APPLI-BUS broadens the applications outlook.

APPLI-BUS is object oriented based, CORBA2 compliant. It includes the most state-of-the-art underlying technology which makes up its middleware.

APPLI-BUS may be used on a stand-alone machine or on a fully distributed configuration over a TCP/IP based network.

2. How does APPLI-BUS work with the CA MK-Enterprise product?

APPLI-BUS works in a client/server mode. APPLI-BUS' services are tightened onto dedicated CA products' clients (software). The Access Server and the Access drivers manage communication and data handling.

With CA-Unicenter TNG, APPLI-BUS exchanges information through a SNMP agent.

This allows everlasting capability, whilst every product may become SNMP compliant.

3. How do I order APPLI-BUS ?

APPLI-BUS has four possibilities :

  • Non distributed configuration (one machine) for developers and integrators
  • Fully distributed configuration for developers and integrators
  • Services Development Package for developers and integrators
  • RunTimes for the customer's machine

4. How much does APPLI-BUS cost, site license, multi-site license, multi-server/client license?

Call us at (617) 861-7802

5. What platforms and revisions is APPLI-BUS supported on?

APPLI-BUS 4.0 is currently available for SUN Sparc Stations running Solaris 2.4 and up, PCs running WindowsNT or Windows95

Since APPLI-BUS is based on a virtual internal kernel, it is portable on virtually every POSIX based operating system. Call us for other platform information.

6 What is included in the base APPLI-BUS product?

APPLI-BUS' mono-machine incorporates :

  • Access Server
  • APC - Appli-bus Programming Classes
  • AD APP - Access Driver for Application Variables
  • AD - Access Driver (1 access driver to be chosen in the list)
  • Available options :
    • Access Drivers
    • Processing Services
    • IDL Interface

APPLI-BUS' distributed configuration

  • Orbix Runtime
  • Access Server
  • APC - Appli-bus Programming Classes
  • AD APP - Access Driver for Application Variables
  • AD - Access Driver (1 access driver can be chosen from the list)
  • Distribution Package
  • Name Server
  • IDL interface
  • Available options :
    • Access Drivers
    • Processing Services
    • Corba Naming Service Interface

APPLI-BUS' Services Development Package.

The SDK includes the distributed configuration with its complete development package and documentation : Client, Access Driver and Processing Services Frameworks.

Are the clients included ?

APPLI-BUS' clients depend on the customer's applications.

Computer Associates and its partners will develop clients and then create a virtual library of client applications available for every CA business case.

As a starter, Silicomp initiates the cycle with a MK-client application dedicated to work alongside with AutoDesk Autocad software.

8 Has APPLI-BUS an Intranet/Internet access ?

Yes. APPLI-BUS uses ORBIX from IONA Technologies such as ORB. Therefore any ORBIX extension is automatically compatible with its structure and is available after integration.

IONA Technologies releases OrbixWeb as an open gate with its services with an optionnal firewall (WonderWall) for security features.

9 When CA sales rep has a minute, who do they call first?

Please feel free to call us at Silicomp America (617) 861-7802, or send us an email


APPLI-BUS 4.0 | Manufacturing Middleware | Object Oriented | Why to Choose APPLI-BUS
Distributed Environment | APPLI-BUS platforms | Interoperability

1997 The MK Group, an independent business unit of Computer Associates International Inc. MK Group logo and MK Group Business Partner Program logo are trademarks of Computer Associates International, Inc. All other products and company names listed are trademarks of the respective companies. Specifications subject to change without notice.
No contractual pictures. � 1997 SILICOMP INGENIERIE France.

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