Distributed Environment

APPLI-BUS is built on using standards like POSIX or TCP/IP. Whatever the network supporting the TCP/IP protocol (Example: Ethernet, Token Ring, ATM...), APPLI-BUS can be run on it. APPLI-BUS supplies the users with many access functions to the different servers. These functions are to be operated within C, C++ and IDL language software.

Depending on the needs, APPLI-BUS' objects are distributed onto the network. Then the applications work in Client/Server mode. Only a modular structure allows such an architecture of applications. In the above mentioned scheme, the opening on the world of Windows is provided by the Orbix OLE (Object Link Exchange) Server, which allows APPLI-BUS to exchange data with an application on top of a PC running Windows 3.11 ou Windows 95.

Client/Server mode
APPLI-BUS supports both synchronous and asynchronous client/server modes.

Producer/Consumer mode
The consumer subscribes to a notification that the server is able to send. The producer realizes a mechanism of polling in freshness instructions (the notifications are sent only at a change). The consumer then can ask APPLI-BUS to obtain the notifications sent by the producer.

APPLI-BUS 4.0 | Manufacturing Middleware | Object Oriented | Why to Choose APPLI-BUS
Distributed Environment | APPLI-BUS platforms | Interoperability

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